A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Nourishment for My Soul

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.  Lamentations 3:25 NKJV

nourishment for my soulLord, here I am devouring Your Word like someone eating a meal in a hurry. I’m not even taking the time to notice the spices and seasoning in the dish. Just busy inhaling as much as I can while my mind races toward the day’s next scheduled event. Please forgive me, Lord. You offered it, and I devoured it entirely in my haste. I don’t remember any of what I read.

Sometimes we can read the Bible just to check it off our list of things to do. God wants us to slow down and savor what He says to us. I have found myself running out the door toward whatever the day holds—a mug of coffee in hand and an apple in my pocket. In my haste, I miss the little moments: the “I love you” from my spouse, the wagging of the dog’s tail because he’s happy to see me, and the wonderful smells of the coffee I poured.

When I hurry through the Word, I miss God’s voice—His direction for the day and the reminder He loves me and wants the best for me. I pray for God to help me slow down, breathe in the aroma of His goodness, and savor every word that proceeds from His mouth. I want to dissect and notice the flavors of what He gives me daily. I want to see how His Word applies and directs me presently. I need more than just words on paper; I need nourishment for my soul.

Is your to-do list keeping you from spending quality time with God? Ask God to show you how to prioritize your day better so you can seek Him and wait for His voice. 

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jocelyne Trujillo

Jocelyne Trujillo is a wife, grandmother, encourager, blogger, and writer. She encourages Christian women to pursue their calling even when it seems unreachable. She loves her large family, two Maltese dogs, coffee, and cookies. Connect with her at jocelynetrujillo.com