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Stay in Your Lane

Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me."  John 21:22 NIV

stay in your laneI learned to swim eight years ago.

I thought I was progressing, but one day I wandered into the lane line while performing the backstroke. I whacked my arm pretty well on the hard plastic buoys separating the lanes. That whack made me pay more attention to my stroke and the ceiling above. I focused on a pipe above my lane and determined to follow it to the other side of the pool.       

I’ve been wandering outside of my lane of life too. So many of my friends have grandchildren, and I don’t. I ache to hold a grandbaby and show off pictures. I look at another friend’s lane, and their social media likes are higher than mine. I glance in the other direction, and they wear a water-resistant watch that counts their laps. It doesn’t take much to wander into someone else’s lane, envy theirs, and try to keep up with the proverbial Joneses.

But wandering into another’s lane only brings resentment, discontentment, and maybe a whack on the arm. After Jesus’ resurrection, He restored Peter to fellowship and also told Peter how he would die. When Peter saw John coming, he asked Jesus about John’s future. Jesus refocused him by saying, “You must follow Me.”

Like Peter, we can quickly lose focus. If we prioritize our time with Jesus, we’ll see He loves us. He has plans for us—better than we could imagine. He has a unique pace and race assigned just for us. Let’s stay in our lane and keep a laser focus on Him. Then we can live God’s best life.

Where might you be wandering out of your lane? Don’t wait for a whack on the arm. Ask Jesus to guide you back to Him.

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sally Cressman

Sally Cressman and her husband enjoy an easy rhythm in their empty nest. She’d love to connect with you on Instagram at @sacressman, Facebook, or her blog at www.sallycressman.com.