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When God Whistles

When I whistle to them, they will come running, for I have redeemed them. From the few who are left, they will grow as numerous as they were before.  Zechariah 10:8 NLT

when God whistlesSounds abound that get our attention.

Through my open window, an almost obnoxious noise heralds summer’s end: honking geese. As I traipse across the crosswalk, I hear chirping as the number counts down and reminds me to hurry before the traffic light changes. Watching from the sidelines, I see my grandson scurry across the soccer field, responding to the coach’s screeching whistle. My children knew dinner was ready decades ago when I clanged an old copper bell. My smartphone’s reminder app now chimes, calling my attention to a task on the list. When the timer on the oven beeps, I’d better grab the potholder quickly if I don’t want the cake to burn. And did I hear the automatic garage door opener grinding? If so, I’m eager to welcome my husband home.

Although I’m not a great whistler, occasionally, a song rises inside me, and I feel the need to put my lips together and blow. I’ve always admired those who’ve mastered the art of the piercing whistle that summons everyone’s attention.

Sounds that direct, forewarn, and remind us of incomplete tasks surround us. Just as a flock of sheep responds to the piercing whistle of their shepherd, we must give our attention to the whistle that comes from the LORD.

God’s whistle signals He has redeemed those who hear it. Does He put His lips together and blow? No. Instead, we open His Word, and the Holy Spirit blows a quiet whistle as we read it, allowing us to respond to God’s call to follow Him and bring along others.

How can you put your lips together and signal others to follow Christ?

(photo courtesy of pixabay.com.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Anita van der Elst

Anita van der Elst finds joy in creating with words, believing God gifted her with the desire to do so. Married to her best friend, Edward, since 1976, she is a proud mom of four adult children and Oma to two of the most delightful grandchildren ever. Other joys in her life include bringing beauty to Facebook through photos she takes on her iPhone, facilitating a small women’s group at church, and mentoring a few friends who also desire to write.


  1. Last night after I did my prayers and read aloud several Psalms to the Lord I went to sleep and I was woken up by a loud whistling.it was a beautiful loud whistle.i had no idea but one of the Psalms I read was Psalm 100 and it says we did not create ourselves but he we are his ppl and the sheep of h