It was seventy-seven degrees below zero.
A man in my Bible study once flew to Arizona. Now, a monitor on the back of airplane seats lets passengers track where they are. The plane glided at thirty-nine thousand feet, and the temperature was a negative seventy-seven degrees below zero—although it was eighty degrees at ground level.
How does this happen? I could have asked a meteorologist or an astronomer, but we can always find an answer online. We have an atmosphere, which we cannot see, that protects us.
Through the Lord Jesus Christ, God created the atmosphere through a spoken word. The Lord is omnipotent. He has unlimited power. As a human, I can’t speak things into existence as God can.
But because of Satan, we have worries, even as believers. Jesus, however, tells us not to worry about tomorrow. The God of the universe is on our side. When we hurt, we can go to Him and pray.
If God can give us an atmosphere that protects us even though we don’t know how it works, we can trust Him to take away the worries of tomorrow.
What steps can you take to develop a below-zero trust?
(photo courtesy of
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Exactly what I needed to read today. It is so encouraging for those I love who deal with anxiety.