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Mosh Pits for Jesus

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.  Psalm 150:6 NIV

mosh pits for JesusI once witnessed a room full of children and adults enjoying what was rightfully named Easter Jam—an activity with games, music, and skits to remind others about the real meaning of Easter.

The program began with a youth welcoming everyone and leading in a game. then continued with a dance party. As the music started, half of the room stood and danced all over the room, making sure to flail about with laughter. The other half, not so much. They didn’t move much at all. Some were shy. Others unsure or scared.

So often, Sunday mornings in worship are like this. Like the children at the dance party, we’re scared to move. We don’t know what to do. We don’t think about letting God’s Spirit move us as the music plays and we sing words of praise. Instead, we think back to when we got into trouble at church for misbehaving, me included.

Look at it from God’s perspective. As He watches from above, does He think, “Oh good, there stands all my little soldiers in rows half-heartedly singing?” I hope not. Are we afraid of God’s Spirit? Or are we too shy to share our excitement for another week?

I’m not advocating jumping pews, pulling a hammy, or causing more ruckus than respect. But think about how much we enjoy a concert. We sing loudly and don’t care what the person beside us thinks as we sport our t-shirts and wave our arms excitedly.

We don’t need mosh pits for Jesus on Sunday mornings, but we could let our guard down some and be a little less prim and proper with God. What would happen if we let ourselves be more vulnerable and see what God’s Spirit will do?

How can you enter more into the worship experience?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and aaron00023.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Rebecca Gilliam

Rebecca Gilliam, known as Becca to most, is a stay-at-home mom and wife to a teenage son and busy husband. Her twenty-year struggle with epilepsy has tried her physically and often left her confused and upset. However, she remains resilient with faith in God. Becca enjoys working with the youth and planning the Christmas programs in the small North Carolina church her family calls home. When not at home or church she loves being on the water with her family. And she’s sure their chocolate lab, Mordi, secretly thinks he’s her lap dog.