Promises can be hard to keep, as President Woodrow Wilson discovered.
Wilson couldn’t keep a significant promise. Running for re-election in 1916, Wilson won with his campaign promise: He kept us out of war. However, one year later, Wilson quickly broke his commitment to the nation, and the United States entered World War I—a detrimental war that caused the loss of numerous lives. The American people felt betrayed and had no hope that war would ever be avoided, which could have been circumvented had Wilson not made a promise he knew he might be unable to keep.
God also makes a promise. He assures new mercies every morning. Jeremiah, the prophet, needed to be reminded of God’s promises and tarry in God’s promise to fulfill what He had promised. Jeremiah witnessed intense destruction and felt overcome by darkness, but God reminded him of His promise to accomplish what He said He would do.
Unlike Wilson’s unkept promise and our struggle to keep our promises, God never fails to keep His promises. Just as He promised to free His people from Pharoah, send us His son, and never destroy the earth by flood again, we have the hope that He will keep His promises to us. People will fail us. Their promises are not guaranteed, but we have no cause for worry or fear because God leaves us with hope. We must look daily for the ways God keeps His promises to us.
Someone special to me reminded me to rest in the promises of God because they are His sure reward.
So, watch for the ways God fulfills His promises to you. Trust Him and then share that with one other person.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay and cherylholt.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What a wonderful encouragement to trust The Almighty God in an era of fear and unprecedented change.