I recently saw a clip of the Secret Service on TV. The officers’ eyes continually scanned their surroundings, searching diligently for anything that might harm the president. Each service member flanked the nation’s leader at different points. The sooner they could identify any potential harm, the better their chances of protecting the leader.
Then I wondered what would happen if I continually scanned my thoughts to recognize when fear, resentment, or self-pity crept in. Just as Secret Service agents train rigorously, I realized this process would take work. But I also recognized the Lord would help me.
I am grateful God reminds me I need to take every thought captive. The Secret Service’s high alert position shows how persistently I need to watch for even a hint of thinking that will bring me down. The Lord will help me take every thought captive and pull it out by the roots. I can replace unhealthy thinking by repeating what Paul said.
How can you take captive those thoughts you should not think?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Ben_Kerckx.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What a wonderful comparison! Our thoughts are where our disobedience begins.