Two out of my five brothers had a horrendous and prolonged quarrel. They did not see eye to eye. Not even my mother could settle this before she died.
Then, weeks after my mother’s burial, my father did something that shocked me. Early one morning, he went to the house of the younger of the two brothers, knelt before him and his wife, and asked them to forgive the elder brother.
Seeing this act shattered my brother and his wife. They broke down in tears and immediately went to the elder one’s home, forgave him, and made peace.
Paul tells us to get along with each other. The reason we can forgive is because God has forgiven us.
Thinking we do not need forgiveness is terrible. Instead, we should remember that God forgave us first. The Bible makes this clear.
Quarrels, malice, pain, frustrations, and troublesome thoughts can keep us from forgiving family members, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and church members who have grievously wronged or hurt us. We must let go and get along, remembering that our heavenly Father has forgiven us of our shortcomings.
Who has wronged you that you need to forgive?
(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Alexas_Fotos.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
God bless you ma for this inspiration, i was blessed with the word.