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In God's Presence

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.  Psalm 16:11 NIV

in his presenceChildren, especially younger ones, long to be in God’s presence.

God reminded me of this truth on a morning drive with my granddaughters during the first week of Lent. All week, we had discussed Lent, ashes, and preparing our hearts for this special, holy season—much as we had for Advent. Now, both were enthusiastic and curious about the upcoming forty days.

The youngest granddaughter closed her eyes on the sunny ride. The older one—observant, totally wide-eyed, who does not miss a single thing—announced that her sister was sleeping. I suggested we be quiet so she could rest since she’d been an early riser for a few days.

Then a little, kind voice said, “G’ma, my eyes are closed, but I’m not sleeping; I’m praying.”

This was my greatest blessing and my heart’s desire. I wanted to pull over to an open field, parking lot, or some wide space to dance as David must have. But wisdom and the morning rush-hour traffic screamed, “No.” However, she and I did take a little praise walk later.

This proved the crowning jewel of the start of Lent. I hoped her tenderness would remain a hunger for God and time with Him. I wanted God’s presence to grow in these children and children everywhere.

The following day proved equally rewarding. During my Scripture reading, the door opened, and an angelic face, surrounded by frizzy curls, tipped in ever so quietly. She smiled and stared at my face, my Bible, and then back to my face. Not a single sound, just a sweet smile hanging on every one of God’s breathed words.

God graciously blanketed my spirit with His calmness as my heart leaped for joy—gladness that this curious created worshipper just wanted to hear God’s Word. It must have been music to her ears, honey to her lips, and a warm caress—even as it is for me every time I hear it.

Like newborn babies who crave pure milk, we are blessed when we hunger and thirst for righteousness. I prayed again and thanked the Lord for an extraordinary God moment.

What are some ways you can enjoy God’s presence?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and warrengrieve.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Penelope White

Penelope White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and G’ma. She is also a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer/teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, mentor for first-year teachers, tutor, and home Bible study/prayer meeting host. Her experience in working with children spans more than four decades in churches, communities, and schools. Additionally, she has served as a volunteer in a neighborhood nursing care facility, a center for the homeless, and countless schools.