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I’m Not a Puppy

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!  1 John 3:1 NIV

i'm not a puppyWe once had a fun family outing to an amusement park: two mamas, six grandchildren, and two grandparents.

We were laden down with a couple of strollers, diaper bags, picnic lunch food, and lots of water bottles. We mostly stayed together, but when we split up from time to time for the different kinds of rides, we invoked our divide-and-conquer plan.

And this Nana was ready—always mindful of safety, wondering children, and crowded places. I had placed my children’s leash at the bottom of one of the strollers. So, when my three-year-old granddaughter and I separated from the others for a restroom break, I placed the Velcro hand wrap around Amara’s little wrist and clutched the other end to begin our trek.

“Let’s go,” I said. 

But Amara stopped dead in her tracks. With her feisty spirit, she replied, “I’m not a puppy!”

After stifling my chuckles, I explained the purpose of the safety leash, and we went on our way.

Amara’s self-assurance to advocate for herself and her confidence in her identity as a child, not a puppy, can speak volumes to us as Christians. Are we advocating for ourselves with confidence that we belong to Jesus so that others know our identity?

Our identity as Christ followers includes being treasured children of God. We are loved, chosen, and redeemed. We are members of His body, the church. If we’re walking around defeated, demoralized, and depressed, we are experiencing a mistaken identity. Maybe our spiritual facial recognition is not working. Let’s not get waylaid in the ways of the world where a false identity is triggered.

In what ways do you proclaim your identity in Christ daily?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and geralt.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Becky Van Vleet

Becky Van Vleet is a retired teacher and principal and award-winning multi-genre author. She and her husband make their home close to Colorado Springs, where she enjoys gardening, hiking, oil painting, power walking, and spending time with her family, especially reading books to her grandchildren. A member of ACFW, Becky has devoted her website to creating and preserving family memories and sharing family stories for the next generations through her monthly blogs. You can find her at: https://beckyvanvleet.com.