I have always struggled with pride, so to serve like the Son was difficult.
Sometimes, I genuinely thought I was better than others and that my wants and needs were more important. As a result, I didn’t care for others and their emotions and needs. I was rude, mean, and hurtful. I made crude jokes and ignored what was important to other people. I injured relationships that have still not healed. Simply put, I was an arrogant bully.
However, as I sought to be like Jesus, the greatest and most humble servant of all, the Lord reminded me there is no room for pride. Thankfully, He opened my eyes to the hurt I had caused others and graciously humbled me. It is still something I am uprooting with God’s grace, but as a follower of Jesus, I know I should be a humble servant just as He was.
One thing about Jesus that intrigues me is his humility, especially in His servanthood. Jesus is God and, therefore, deserves honor, praise, and glory. Yet the Creator of all things came down in the form of His creation to serve His creation.
I can barely comprehend Jesus’ humility because of how great His act was. Jesus, who is everything, made Himself nothing by becoming a servant. Servanthood involves humility. If we seek to imitate Jesus, we must humble ourselves and serve others. Jesus’ humility and service for us was more significant than anything we could ever do. All we can do is walk in His footsteps with humility and thankfulness.
The Lord will provide us with many service opportunities, whether in the church, a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, or our neighborhood. No matter how small the service, it is never insignificant. Humility means considering others’ needs more significant than our own and serving them.
Who can you think of that you could serve? Ask God how you can be His servant.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay and pasja1000.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Hunter Whittle is a writer.