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Our Inward Self

Therefore, we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.  1 Corinthians 4:16 NKJV

Not long after I turned thirty, I noticed a slight deterioration in my body.

Lengthy walks caused achy, cracking knees. I became more near-sighted. My body was stiff each morning, making daily stretching a sudden necessity. “I feel like I’m getting old!” I exclaimed to my seventy-two-year-old dad one day on the phone. The comment made him chuckle and exclaim, “Just you wait, kid!”

Despite the most valiant efforts to stay young, strong, and healthy, our bodies weaken. They tire and scar. Eventually, our strength and flesh will fail altogether, and our physical selves will perish. Our inward man, on the other hand, isn’t subjected to the same corrosion that we endure physically. Instead, we can renew, transform, and strengthen our inward, spiritual lives daily through Christ.

As we seek to better know, emulate, and follow Christ through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other followers of Christ, we make a crucial investment in our spiritual health and strengthen and revitalize ourselves daily.

The truth, hope, and eternal life we carry in our hearts are immune to the deterioration our physical bodies endure. As we remain affixed to the giver of life, our inward person remains secure and flourishing.

Although our physical bodies will fail, we can remain confident that the truth and hope of salvation we hold inside is secure. The Lord is our strength and our portion forever.

How can you strengthen your inward self?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and sabinevanerp.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)


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Emily Marszalek

Emily Marszalek enjoys the simple pleasures in life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Nick and their two Goldendoodles, Charlie and Lucy. She loves jigsaw puzzles, animals, rock music, and all flavors of birthday cake.