We were terrorized!
On the drive home from a short trip, a truck decided to follow close behind and shoot a gun to see if they could scare us. I immediately began to pray, and the truck turned down a dirt road away from us. The shooters accomplished their back-road game. When we arrived at my parents’ house to retrieve our daughter, we were so grateful to see our beautiful baby girl. It was by God’s grace we didn’t get a bullet in our window…or worse.
Before this incident happened, I was thinking bad thoughts. I was so anxious to get back to my daughter that I didn’t believe we were in God’s covering. I allowed fear to consume my mind with, “what if’s.” What if the plane crashes. What if we’re in a car accident. . .and this was all after I prayed for our safe return home in the beginning of our trip.
I was filled with unbelief, living in anxiety and fear until I almost made it manifest in my life. This was the day God said, “Devil, that’s enough.” God began leading me to understand His Word. He taught me to meditate on Him. He showed me His power by placing peace where there was fear. I was able to pray for protection and actually rest in His grace.
Fear can cause our worse thoughts to manifest. Timothy reminds us fear is not a gift from God; rather the gift is the love and power of a sound mind. God wants us to cast our fears on Him—the One who can replace them with peace.
God will transform the fear in your heart into power, love, and a sound mind. Make no room for fear to enter. Cast out the devil with Scripture and prayer. Remember, fear and faith cannot abide in the same place. Decide which spirit you will follow.
(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)
(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)
I carried II Tim. 1:7 in my pocket, needing the reminder of ""...and power."" I'd claimed ""...a sound mind"" to help deal w/15 yrs. of mini-seizure issues. Now, I realized I could claim no fear AND God's power! I let fear go and held onto His love and power. I've been healed, thanks to God's promises!