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Don’t Crash and Burn

The one who believes in the Son has eternal life; but the one who does not obey the Son will not see life.  John 3:36 NASB

don't crash and burnI was seventeen, on quarter break, and making my first flight without my parents. I was fortunate to sit by the window behind the wing, where I enjoyed the scenery.

Suddenly, a red flash caught my eye. I saw flames leaping from the engine. Initially alarmed, I thought, Oh well, this must be normal, and I’m just a scaredy-cat.

Just as I had calmed down, two flight attendants walked up the aisle, looked out the window, and simultaneously gasped. “Oh my! I wonder if the captain knows the engine is on fire,” one cried as they ran down the aisle toward the cockpit.

This was a three-engine plane. Soon after the flames died down, the plane began to wobble in the air. The intercom came on, and the pilot sounded, well, mostly calm.

“I guess you’ve noticed by now that we are experiencing a slight technical difficulty. Chicago is the closest airport, and we will land there.”

As we began the approach, the pilot announced, “The air space has been cleared for us. Don’t be alarmed; they have taken precautions to ensure our safe landing. The runway has been foamed, so we can expect a bit of a skating effect as we touch down, but your cockpit crew will do everything we can to assure our safe arrival.”

Both sides of the runway were lined with fire engines and ambulances. Sure enough, we did slide a little upon landing, but when we came safely to a stop, all the crew and passengers broke into wild applause.

This took place more than fifty years ago. But as I wrote this, I realized that was two years before I began a faith relationship with Jesus. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for God’s mercy in preserving me, allowing me to be saved by Jesus, and permitting me the privilege of participating in the faith journey of others.

If you stepped off a curb tomorrow and were hit by a bus or experienced some other disaster, what would happen to you? Do you have a relationship with Jesus? If not, today is the day to begin your journey. Don’t crash and burn.  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and A_Different_Perspective.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Laurie Herlich

Laurie Herlich followed the Lord’s leading across the country to the promised land of Northeast Tennessee. There she writes cozy mysteries and devotions in a converted garden hut situated in her back yard.