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Walk on Water

So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.  Matthew 14:29 NKJV

walk on waterAfter two unsuccessful attempts at learning to swim, I decided to give it one last shot.

The first couple of times, the instructors labeled me a rock. Once in the water, I sank. Learning swimming techniques was difficult because of my inability to stay afloat. I did well with the various floatation devices, but even with the kickboard and fins, I feared as I approached the pool's deep end. This embedded fear was because of a near-drowning incident as a child. Fortunately, I still love beaches and pools and am comfortable submerging in water if I can stand above the water and touch the bottom.

My last attempt at swimming happened at the age of sixty while watching my grandchildren swimming like fish in the water. For safety reasons, I thought it best to learn to swim. Imagine how I felt taking private lessons but sharing a pool filled with toddlers and elementary school-aged children.

This time differed because I knew to pray and ask God to remove any anxiety and fear. I gave my attention to my instructor and what he taught me. This fixation was essential to remove uncomfortable or embarrassing feelings and allowed me to focus on the goal. My surroundings no longer distracted me as I learned to swim. But at the end of the session, I took my eyes off the instructor and noticed the noise and distraction from the other little swimmers.

I thought of Peter’s faith and how he walked on water if his eyes remained on Jesus. Jesus calls us to keep our eyes on Him, not our circumstances. We all face daily challenges, but learning to keep our eyes on Jesus helps us see with eyes of faith, hold to promises, press toward the goal, be immovable and steadfast, and stay in perfect peace.

When faced with what seems like an impossible situation, remember to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and pexels.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Felicia Dawson

Felicia is a native of Richmond, Virginia, and has authored There Is a Church on Every Corner, So Why Isn’t Everyone Saved? She believes God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things to help lead others to Christ and build His kingdom on earth.