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Love Songs

For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.  Zephaniah 3:17 NLT

love songsDecades ago, I experienced a breakup with a boyfriend who had asked me to marry him. Then I discovered he had been dating others without telling me. A hurtful time. Healing came over the months as I looked to the Lord for His will. And then I met someone who reignited my heart to love again.

This was back when we listened to the radio for our musical entertainment. As my new love relationship grew, the songs I heard on the radio station resonated with me. One in particular grabbed my attention and seemed to speak exactly what I felt—a song made famous by the country music artist Anne Murray.

Lines from the song reverberated in my mind and heart. My new love hugged me when I cried as I told him about the betrayal of my ex-fiancé. He told me he admired and respected me. And when I invited him to a church service, where he put his faith in Christ, he said he had needed me to bring him along that path.

The radio station I listened to had a segment where a listener could call in to have a song played and dedicated to someone else. I decided to take advantage of that feature. The song I chose? You guessed it. Anne Murray’s song “You Needed Me.” After placing the call, all I had to do was let my sweetheart know when to tune in. He’d hear the song and my dedication message—a precious moment for me to be with him as he listened.

Through Zephaniah, God dedicates a song to those who believe in Him and have received Jesus as Savior. God still sings over us with delight and joyfulness.

Take time daily to tune in with God for a precious love song where He will calm your fears with His loving refrains.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Sammy-Sander.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Anita van der Elst

Anita van der Elst finds joy in creating with words, believing God gifted her with the desire to do so. Married to her best friend, Edward, since 1976, she is a proud mom of four adult children and Oma to two of the most delightful grandchildren ever. Other joys in her life include bringing beauty to Facebook through photos she takes on her iPhone, facilitating a small women’s group at church, and mentoring a few friends who also desire to write.