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God Will Save You in Your Distress

Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.  Psalm 107:13-14 NIV

God will save you in your distress“Daddy, cut it off!”

I choked back tears, not just from pain but fear. Although I should have known better at nine years old, I had put a chain bracelet around my ankle and rolled it up so far onto my calf that I couldn’t roll it back down. It wouldn’t budge. Every minute that ticked by increased my agony. My father frowned as he tried to figure out how to cut it off without injuring me. I couldn’t fathom how my father could get the chain off, but I knew he would. My father could do anything.

We can have the same assurance when we approach God in our bondage. He is the chain-breaker and bondage freer. When we cry out to God, our heavenly Father, to cut sinful chains that ensnare us, we hope it won’t be painful.

Although Jesus took our sin in His body on the cross, we often feel the pain of the chains being cut. Maybe it’s unhealthy relationships, addictive habits, or even a job we shouldn’t be working. In cutting the chains, we are freed to a new life, where Jesus walks with us as we grow healthy spiritually. A life that can be a blessing to others around us.

Choosing between the pain of bondage or the fear of stepping out into the light can take courage and more faith than we sometimes feel we have. But if we want freedom in our Christian walk, we must yield to God’s solution to be released from darkness.

My earthly father cut my chain and comforted me in my pain. We can expect the same from our heavenly Father. He will save us; we must only ask.

Ask God to help you with whatever you are struggling with today so you can experience spiritual freedom as you’ve never had before.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Counselling.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Laura Poole

Laura Hodges Poole is an award-winning Christian author. Her novel, Return to Walhalla, was a Selah Award finalist. Her books are available on Amazon. She enjoys encouraging others through her blog, A Word of Encouragement. On beautiful days in South Carolina, you might find her hiking or gardening instead of writing. A mother of two and empty-nester, Laura enjoys quiet time with her husband. You may connect with her through her website, https://www.laurahodgespoole.com.