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Lighten the Load

Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7 NKJV

lighten the loadOur lives are filled with memorable experiences that have molded, taught, or changed us.

However, some of our experiences have been unpleasant and negatively affected us. Those we suppress to protect ourselves from any emotional pain. Suppressed unpleasant memories can become baggage of the past that influence our future decisions or choices. Our baggage can interfere with present or future events if not adequately dealt with.

Imagine visiting the most beautiful place in the world. We buy souvenirs to share with loved ones and friends, but our luggage has no room for them. God our Father wants to bestow His blessings on us in full measure. But if our hands are full or closed as we hold onto the past, it becomes difficult to receive His blessings.

Jesus tells us to cast all our cares, big and small, on Him. He wants us to be free from past bondage and strongholds. Harboring hurt, pain, or anger only causes bitterness, resentfulness, or regret. God created and designed our bodies to consume food and absorb needed nutrients, then dispose of the waste. He did not create us to carry our emotional baggage or burdens. We can give it all to Him and find freedom, relief, and peace.

When we are free from things of the past, we can embrace all things new with open hearts and hands, experiencing all that God has for us. He wants us to let go, trust Him, and acknowledge that He can meet our needs. God knows the beginning and the end. Therefore, He has the power and wisdom to handle any and everything that worries or weighs us down.

Cast your burdens and worries on God today.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and maxmann.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Felicia Dawson

Felicia is a native of Richmond, Virginia, and has authored There Is a Church on Every Corner, So Why Isn’t Everyone Saved? She believes God can use ordinary people to do extraordinary things to help lead others to Christ and build His kingdom on earth.