"Welcome to your new home, Calie!”
My sister-in-law, Dawn, sat on the floor next to their three-month-old Maltese puppy. Her husband joined her. “Look Calie, here’s your food bowl.” Calie backed away. "Come here, Calie,” they encouraged her gently. But she continued her backwards shuffle.
"Use this," Dawn said, handing Adam a peanut-butter-filled treat Calie's owner had given them.
"Here, Calie, come get the treat."
No matter what they tried, for the first twenty-four hours of owning their puppy, Calie only walked backwards. They were increasingly concerned that their dog was somehow defective.
In Ephesians, Paul says those of us who were once far away are brought near by the blood of Christ Jesus. Without Christ, we are far away. Just like Calie, we are walking backwards, away from the One Who is trying to save us. We are by ourselves, with only our own piddly power to rely on. But there's good news. Christ's sacrificial death brings us back into a right relationship with God. He died so we might be brought near.
Adam and Dawn still cared for Calie while she walked backwards. But their relationship was not how it was meant to be between an owner and their dog until she decided to walk forward. Now, they can go on walks and play fetch.
Take some time today to thank God for bridging the gap between you and Him in order to bring you near, even when you were walking away from Him.
Lord, I love You. I am sorry for my many years of walking away from You, even though You are the only true love worth pursuing. Please help me stay by Your side so we can walk through life together for the rest of my life.
(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)
(For more devotions, visit us at www.christiandevotions.us.)
This is a good devotion. I like it.