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Room Temperature

I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.  Revelation 3:15-16 NASB

room temperatureI enjoy a good cup of coffee to start my day. That first sip makes me say, “Ahhh.” Who would have thought someone could run water over crushed beans and get that kind of enjoyment?

I discovered I like my coffee iced in the summertime when it is so hot here in the South. It cools me off but still gives me that refreshment and eye-opening I need in the mornings. During the fall and winter months, however, I prefer my coffee hot. A good cup of hot coffee warms me from the inside out. Plus, if I have a sore throat or a cold, the heat from the coffee helps.

One morning, I was talking with my sister and forgot about my coffee. When I remembered it, the coffee was room temperature and quite disgusting. I like my coffee ice-cold or hot, but room temperature or lukewarm is unappetizing. It reminded me of Jesus’ words to the church at Laodicea.

Jesus is talking to Christians who are going through the motions but not really sold out for Him. They are not all-in for Christ and His mission, so they attend church and maybe talk the talk, but they are just checking and marking their to-do list. Some treat the church as a social gathering instead of a place for training and equipping. They are more concerned with this world than with the next and with their personal comfort than doing anything for the kingdom. Appearances are more important to them than the substance of their Christian walk. Lukewarm Christians don’t give their best to God.

We all struggle with lukewarm seasons where we find ourselves going through the motions but with no real substance to our Christian walk. These seasons, however, should be only temporary and not a way of life. Our overall walk with God should demonstrate a life of full surrender to Jesus our Lord.

Make sure your temperature for Jesus is hot, not lukewarm.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and shixugang.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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April Newbell

April Newbell has been published on Christian Devotions and Arise Daily. She enjoys writing devotions that everyone can relate to and apply to their lives. April and her husband, along with their dog, live in Huntsville, Alabama.