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They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man.  Revelation 9:5 NIV

waspOn our way to church one drizzly Palm Sunday morning, my sister Sandy and I noticed a wasp emerging from the vent below the windshield.

We looked at each other and agreed to ignore it until we pulled into the church parking lot. Unwilling to wait, the wasp eased closer and stared at me from the dashboard’s edge. I took a chance, eased up on the accelerator, and opened the driver’s-side window. Out it flew.

A few days later, a wasp landed on my desk. I followed its flight to the iron banister at the edge of my loft office/studio and stealthily retrieved a battery-operated fly swatter. Zap! He was stunned. A few more zaps, and he was lifeless.

Why do we have pests—creatures that “bug” us, we might wonder? I asked God to reveal the good He created in evil wasps. My spirit sensed His suggestion to Google it.

I learned that wasps are extremely beneficial insects, a necessary part of our ecosystem’s delicate balance. They protect plant and vegetable life by controlling populations of harmful insects such as aphids, flies, and caterpillars. Wasps are fiercely territorial. With one sting, chemical signals are released into the victim, beckoning others to join the attack.

God created the universe to perfectly reflect His glory. He has also given us rules for coexisting with dangerous creatures, like scorpions and wasps.

Watch out daily for dangers around you, submit to God’s laws of living, and appreciate His protecting love.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and 631372.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Macy Johnson

Macy Johnson is a native Floridian living the lake-life in Georgia. She is an instrument of God’s blessings as a writer, church pianist, community accompanist, wife, mother, nana, Bridge player, adoptee, retired auditor, and member of Word Weavers International. Her “God Sightings” are published weekly in the Greensboro Herald-Journal. Find her at www.macymjohnson.com, macymjohnson@gmail.com, and on Facebook as Macy Martin Johnson.