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Don’t You Care, God?

And a fierce windstorm began to blow . . . but Jesus was in the stern, asleep on the cushion . . . “Teacher, do You not care that we are about to die?” And He (Jesus) got up and sternly rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Hush, be still [be muzzled]!”  Mark 4:37-39 AMP

Don't you care, GodThe night before every physics exam in college, I chugged Dr. Pepper and crammed until dawn, stuffing my short-term memory with formulas and definitions. My two prayers were, “Lord, why did you create physics?” and “Tomorrow would be a good time for Your Second Coming.”

In Mark’s account of the deadly hurricane-like gale on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus’ disciples feared drowning and the fact that Jesus didn’t care about their danger.

The disciples woke Jesus. He stood in the boat to face the storm. Without a shred of alarm or worry, he quickly subdued nature's violent display with His words. The Bible App provides diverse translations of Jesus’ rebuke.

“Hush now! Be muzzled!” (AMPC). “Peace! Be still!” (ESV). “Quiet!” (NIV). “Hush!” (NASB1995). “Silence!” (CEB). And the wind and the waves listened.

After shushing the storm, Jesus asked His disciples two poignant questions: “Why are you afraid?” and “Do you still have no faith and confidence in Me?”

The terrified disciples didn’t answer His questions. They were too freaked out that someone with that much power rode with them in the boat.

Throughout my life, this story of Jesus’ ability to silence storms has seen me through worse tempests than physics exams. Yet His two questions to the disciples never cease to confront and convict me of my heart's attitude toward Him.

Grace, why are you so afraid of ---------? After all we’ve been through together, don’t you have faith that I hear your prayers and confidence that I love you?

Worries and fears are hushed as I remember the cross where Jesus died for my sins. Meditating on His life, death, and resurrection comforts my heart and mind. Jesus’ words and actions assure me that He loves me.

When storms shake you, cry out to Jesus. Be confident and patient that He hears you and will act.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and geralt.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Grace Assante

Grace Assante has enjoyed various writing projects over the years, and after attending the 2022 Asheville Christian Writers Conference, she was inspired to learn the craft of writing well and not to give up on her dreams of publication. She and her husband live in Brooklyn, New York, and are blessed with three grown children, two wonderful daughters-in-law, and three adorable grandkids. She enjoys traveling, reading, taking long walks with her husband, and meeting friends for coffee.