A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Yoked Is No Joke

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.  2 Corinthians 6:14 NIV

yoked is no jokeA beautiful young woman felt her love was so strong that it would open her fiancée’s heart to Jesus. However, since she wanted her future children to go with her to heaven, she told her fiance’ that she could not marry him unless he entered a relationship with the Lord Jesus.

The young man was an electrical engineer and a devout Buddhist. I met him in my psychotherapist’s practice—since the young woman had made becoming a Christian a condition for her to remain engaged to him. She realized that being yoked is no joke.

During the young man’s therapy program, I exposed him to the reality that there are only two religions in the world. The first entails doing something, learning something, or joining a belief. The second involves believing God has done everything necessary for us to have a relationship with Him.

Thankfully, in our last session, he said, “I thought I had been educated at the university, but I’ve come to believe that I was only half-educated.”

All of this resulted from his fiancée’s firm understanding that being yoked is no joke when it determines the quality and direction of a person’s life.

Refuse to be yoked with unbelievers, no matter how persuasive or intrusive they become.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and sarangib.)

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Robert L. Segress

The Rev. Dr. Bob Segress served as a licensed psychological clinician for twenty-five years. Upon retiring, he served for fifteen years as a prison minister. Retiring again, he began writing full-time after a period of boredom. He has written: The Biblical Approach To Psychology while serving as a college educator, The Shelton Series, and, in 2012, Ten Years Inside Shelton Prison. Currently, he writes for several publications such as Halo Magazine.
