A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Love One Another

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  John 13:34 NIV

love one anotherYears of rich fellowship in college Bible studies and group gatherings left me unprepared for the different environment of a small local church. Would they follow Jesus’ command to love one another?

Instead of college-age students, I sat among people ranging from a newborn baby to a ninety-two-year-old widow. Rather than listening to a charismatic, enthusiastic speaker, I heard a message that felt barely adequate. Even the music seemed odd and out of date rather than upbeat. I dearly missed the enthusiasm and joy found in my college friends.

My husband and I attempted to reset our expectations for the local church, but it was a slow process. Dutifully, we attended Sunday services out of habit and obedience but were more disillusioned each week.

My husband’s job in the high school eventually led to relationships with teenagers and a Bible study in our home. We were refreshed and encouraged by their openness to explore a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our church opened its doors to the teens when the Bible study outgrew our tiny house.

Every Thursday, a small crew of faithful saints prepared 6:30 a.m. breakfasts for scores of high schoolers. No questions asked. No suggestions given. The church we found lacking loved and supported us as teenagers showed up week after week. Those dear volunteers were thrilled to minister. And we discovered new eyes to appreciate our local church.

God provided people who modeled love like we’d not expected. The love of Jesus in their hearts was freely passed on to a hungry roomful of teens. Many years later, we would continually learn of a long-lasting impact on the lives touched during those years.

Connecting with a local body of believers can be challenging. I get it. In the current culture, it’s far too easy to abandon the practice of going to church. But don’t give up. Find a group of believers who faithfully love one another. You, too, will find yourself soaking up the generous love of saints.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and pexels.)

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Roxie Wiley

Roxy Wiley retired from teaching elementary school after twenty-five years and then served as the director of women’s ministry at her church. Throughout both careers, she designed and wrote many newsletters, handbooks, manuals, and articles. A proud and loving grandma of five grandchildren, she’s passionate about her family’s yearly Camp Grandma and coaching other grandparents to launch their own brand of family fun. Roxy and her husband live near Indianapolis, IN, and love to travel in their motor home.