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Tearing Down Strongholds

We use God’s mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil’s strongholds.  2 Corinthians 10:4 NLT

tearing down strongholdsDeer season had opened, and I was planning to bag “Mr. Buck.”

Deer season in the lower regions of my state opens almost two months earlier than in the other areas. My neighbor then was a retired pastor who loved hunting deer. Not having a weapon, I decided to visit the local Walmart and select one to help me capture my first deer. The shelves were filled with shotguns and rifles, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

After perusing the selection, I decided on one not housed in the gun rack. It lay on a shelf nearby. It and its ammunition were cheaper. I selected my pellet/bb gun, took it to the counter, gave the clerk my $35, and hit the door.

The following day, my neighbor and I set off bright and early. As I perched high in the tree, I saw Mr. Deer prancing my way. When he was in range, I zeroed in on him, pulled the trigger, watched the pellet bounce off his hide, and gawked as he swished his head around to lick the spot as if a fly pestered him. I had chosen the wrong weapon. Not really, but I would have had I done this.

I’ll never bring down strongholds with the wrong weapons either. Strongholds have a strong hold on me. I’ve fought out with some that were muscular and others that weren’t. I’ve wrangled with some that were sinful and others that were simply unhealthy and entangling.

While it’s important to know whether the stronghold is sinful, it’s more essential to realize God is bigger and stronger than the stronghold—regardless of what it is. God wants to help me bring down strongholds—those that are sinful and those that aren’t. Both can accomplish the same thing. They distract me, cause me to lose focus, ruin my testimony, harm my body, and prevent me from doing my best at God’s work.

Choosing the right weapon to fight strongholds is crucial. Just as a pellet gun won’t bring down a deer, personal efforts without God’s guidance won’t destroy strongholds. Worldly weapons won’t do; we need godly ones, like prayer, Bible study, spiritual armor, books on faith, and close fellowship with other believers.

Don’t try to fight your spiritual battles with the wrong weapons. God will supply the weapons that will ensure victory. All you must do is ask.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Shutterbug75.)

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Martin Wiles

Martin Wiles lives in Greenwood, SC, and is the founder of Love Lines from God. He is a freelance editor, English teacher, pastor, and author. He serves as Managing Editor for both Christian Devotions and Vinewords.net and is an instructor for the Christian PEN (professional editor’s network). Wiles is a multi-published author. His most recent book, Hurt, Hope and Healing: 52 Devotions That Will Lead to Spiritual Health, is available on Amazon. He and his wife are parents of two and grandparents of seven. He can be contacted at [email protected].