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Tap into the Abundant One

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow!  John 10:10 TPT

tap into the abundant oneIt felt surreal in 2020 to walk down the aisles of my favorite grocery store and see shelves with wide empty gaps between products.

I had never worried about not finding what I needed for my kitchen creations, but this was unsettling and real. The shelves were always full until, like a thief, the COVID pandemic disrupted or cut supply chains. I expected the usual abundant supply of anything I needed, but it wasn’t there.

Despite the pandemic upsets, I live in a world of overwhelming abundance, a world with an endless supply of stuff, whether I need it or not. The Amazon boxes prove it on recycling day. But does abundance always apply to material things?

Jesus talks about the thief who comes to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But He ends with hope. Jesus has come to give us life until it overflows. Jesus is the abundant Source for the total well-being of our bodies, souls, and spirits. When I stay connected to Him, I will always find an abundance of peace for my anxiety, joy for my sadness, and assurance for my worries. And the Enemy cannot cut Jesus’ ever-lasting supply line of what I need.

We stay tapped into Jesus by consuming the Word of God and rooting in His promises. Developing an attitude of gratitude gives praise and thanks to Him. We must also stay alert to the Enemy’s tactics to rob, annihilate, and ruin our spiritual treasures.

The abundant life in Jesus is more than enough, never-ending, and well worth protecting. Get connected, tap into the Abundant One, and live an overflowing life.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and AlbanyColley.)

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Jacqueline Broy

Jacqueline Broy has traveled worldwide but Miss Winnie, the RV, carries her, her husband, and their mini–Australian Labradoodle across the continental United States highways and back home to Maryland.