A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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God Hears Every Request

This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:2-3 NIV

God hears every requestDriving down 15th Avenue one cool July afternoon, my cell phone rang. Francisco, a relatively new Christian, started talking as soon as I answered. People had knocked on his door and asked to study the Bible with him, and he invited them in.

But these people told Francisco that Jesus wasn’t God. Francisco was confused and scared. As he talked, I pulled to the side, stopped my car, and listened carefully. As I did, I saw an older woman using a walker in the distance, repeatedly bending over and trying to do something.

I started my car and drove to her street as I continued to listen to my friend. I pulled up in front of her house and stopped. I asked Francisco to read John 1:1-14, where John writes about Jesus being made flesh, creating all things, dwelling among His people, and being God. I also pointed him to Philippians 2:6, where Paul says Jesus was, in nature, God. Francisco read the passages and knew God was equipping him. Then I told him I’d call him back later.

I got out of my car and asked the woman if I could help her. “Oh, yes, please, pull these weeds for me. I have been trying to pull them all afternoon. My grandson is on vacation, and these weeds are taking over.”

As I pulled the weeds, she said, “I told the Lord, ‘You told me to call on You for help. Will You send someone to help me?’ And you showed up. I never thought someone would come.”

When God tells us to call on Him and He will answer, He means even in the minute details of our lives, like pulling weeds. I thought about the woman’s words and wondered how many don’t pray because they don’t believe God will send someone. We need to know God’s Word well enough to recall His promise and ask Him what He will do about the circumstances.

Don’t dismiss God’s answers as coincidence. He wants us to believe His Word.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and truthseeker08.)

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Judy Lorenzen

Judy Lorenzen is a poet and writer with a ThD in Theology from Andersonville Baptist Seminary and a PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her work appears in many journals, anthologies, newspapers, magazines, and websites.