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Nudged to Relinquish Fear

God said, “I’ll be with you. And this will show you that I’m the one who sent you. After you bring the people out of Egypt, you will come back here and worship God on this mountain.”  Exodus 3:12 CEB

nudged to relinquish fearAs a young, inexperienced driver, I was shocked when Dad agreed to let me drive his cherished yellow Ford Mercury to the after-school pep rally.

Dad worked at the Ford plant and watched his car go through the assembly line. It would be his first new car. Unfortunately, I would also have my first minor accident in his car. While pulling out of a tight spot, I scraped the entire side of his car on the bumper of the car parked beside me.

I dreaded telling Dad the news. Thankfully, he showed grace, but seeing his big smile fade made me feel terrible. He didn’t need to punish me. I would do a good job of punishing myself for quite some time.

Because of this accident, I developed a fear of driving. But Mom knew that if I were ever to conquer my fear, I would need to face it, so she made me drive.

Insecurities made Moses fear leading the Israeli children from Egyptian bondage. He had a speech impediment and felt unqualified. He needed a nudge from God. Thankfully, Moses became God’s instrument, but he had to face his fear, step out in faith, and obey.

Mom was God’s instrument, making me drive. Additionally, Dad showed me that things are not as important as people. But it was God’s nudge that made me depend on His abilities, not mine. 

Be God’s instrument by relinquishing all fears to Him. Then, step out in faith and do what He asks.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and ambermb.)

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Jenny Calvert

Jenny Calvert has been married to her husband John for fifty years. They have five children and twelve grandchildren. She has been a musician in churches for many years. Now that the children are grown and she has retired as a church musician, she has rekindled her love for writing. Jenny has had devotionals published in The Upper Room. She also was accepted as a contributing writer for the website, www.dailyprayer.us, under the link Daily Inspiration. She also writes a blog at www.libertyladiesdevotional.blogspot.com Jenny has been published in Susan Cheeves King’s Short and Sweet Family Album, Short and Sweet Goes Fourth, Short and Sweet Takes the Fifth, Humili8ing, and Angels in Disguise.