A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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God’s Freedom in Boundaries

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.  2 Timothy 3:16-17 NIV

God's freedom in boundariesYoung children enjoy their family, friends, games, toys, and leisure in the comfort and security of a fenced backyard. Often, when first introduced to this setting, a child might cling to a parent or only venture so far. As time passes, however, confidence develops, and the child is free to explore and experience the joys that await them.

Adults and guardians, sensing this newfound freedom, explain the importance of remaining within the fenced area so they can fully appreciate these pleasures and protection. And how our hearts shutter if one of them fails to heed and disappears from the safe spot.

But imagine no bike lanes, guard rails, goal posts, or assigned lanes for competing runners and swimmers. Before the brilliant inventions and early developments by African American Garrett A. Morgan or Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot of France, traffic jams and safety concerns were rife.

God—our loving, protective, all-wise, and all-knowing Father—establishes guidelines within His enormity of grace, freedom, and love. He fully understands the havoc, insecurity, guilt, shame, and destruction of the consequences we will reap without His boundaries. In the perfect setting of Eden, He lovingly protected the first couple. Later, the Law, Ten Commandments, and Scripture were written for our well-being to give us a wholesome, right relationship with our Maker, our neighbor, and ourselves.

God’s love mirrors His boundaries. Often, we question, resist, rebel, kick, and scream about the boundaries, yet we know they are necessary and beneficial. We would run wild and self-destruct because of sin in us and the world without firm boundaries.

God is our mighty, merciful, and loving Lord who sees all. He is not simply waiting for us to mess up so He can crush us. He establishes the boundaries to keep us on paths that are for our good and His glory. When we cross them, He gently guides us, sometimes with a firm hand. God’s grace—an extension of His equally huge heart—allows limitless plans for us. He provides a wide and high canvas on which we can draw, write, color, and even scribble.

Let God’s boundaries teach you to trust God, perceive right from wrong, develop, grow, establish your identity, and prepare for the future.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Willypomares.)

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Penelope White

Penelope White is a wife, mother of two young adult sons, and G’ma. She is also a Christian educator, speaker, church school curriculum writer/teacher, workshop facilitator, middle school counselor, mentor for first-year teachers, tutor, and home Bible study/prayer meeting host. Her experience in working with children spans more than four decades in churches, communities, and schools. Additionally, she has served as a volunteer in a neighborhood nursing care facility, a center for the homeless, and countless schools.