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Sharing the Dark Experiences

What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light.  Matthew 10: 27 KJV

sharing the dark experiencesWalking through the woods at night, as I did as a boy, was a unique experience. Others who were afraid to walk in the woods at night enjoyed me sharing my experiences.

Christians experience dark storms, tests, and trials by fire, which, if we learn from them, we can share with others. Such dark and difficult times come because God is working to sanctify and mold us into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

Yet in those dark times, we experience God's closeness. His Word becomes more precious, and we often pay more attention than when on the mountaintop, where we seldom, if ever, learn anything. Instead, we receive most of our training and knowledge about God and the Christian life when walking through long, dark valleys.

We may not prefer the valleys, but if we’re obedient and submissive, God will lead us through and eventually out of those painful and frustrating places.

The mountaintop experience is grand, but we can’t live and grow on the mountaintop. God’s anvil fires are in the valley, and that is where He shapes us into saints who glorify His name.

If we submit to God while in the valley, when we emerge, we will be stronger, wiser, and more equipped to help others in similar situations. We can then tell others of His might and faithfulness and help them as God helped us.

When you are alone with God in the dark valley, listen to His teachings so you can be a better Christian and share what you learn.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and LoboStudioHamburg.)

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James Cagle

James H. Cagle has been preaching and getting the Word out since 1982. He has pastored for twelve years. He now writes for twelve newspapers weekly. He has published three books and is working on several others. James spent four years in the Marine Corps and was honorably discharged in 1980 as a sergeant. He grew up in Bemiss, Georgia, and graduated from Lowndes High in 1975. He currently resides in Nashville, Georgia.