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The Power of One

God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:19 HCS

the power of oneMy husband, a soon-to-be-pastor, hammered a sign in our front yard: For Sale by Owner. The year was 2010, and places weren’t selling quickly in our small town. In fact, a place close by had been up for sale for more than a year. As my husband hammered the sign in the ground, he prayed, “God, You are my realtor.”

We needed to move by mid-July, and this was May. Only one person had looked at the house. “Lord, we need more people to look at this place. It needs to sell,” I prayed as our deadline got closer.

We had a little Schnauzer named Andy, who also needed a new home. One evening, we and our dog walked the circle-mile walk in the park. As we walked, we discussed our need to find a home for Andy. We had walked one mile but decided to go another lap.

After walking a short distance, we met some grandparents with their grandchildren. “May our granddaughters pet your dog? We love Schnauzers,” they said.

The grandparents told us their son hoped to get a Schnauzer. We quickly told them this one was available. We told them where we lived, and the son came for the dog the next day. God prepared a place for Andy.

Then a buyer’s agent called. She had someone interested in buying our home—the same person who had viewed the house earlier.

The Lord hears our prayers, and although we may be impatient at times, God answers. God took care of our home and dog. We only needed one person for each. He will supply your needs as well.

Trust God to show you the power of one.      

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

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Mary Miller

Mary Miller is a pastor’s wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in Eastern Ohio.