A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Celebrity Appearance

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.  Luke 16:10 KJV

celebrity appearanceWhen my kids were young, I volunteered at their school, reading books aloud. I’m not a talented storyteller and could not do different voices for different characters. But I did show up faithfully and genuinely loved the kids.

One day I was in a local store when I saw one of the students. She caught my attention because she was fangirling, tugging on her mom to point me out. Her mother, of course, did not recognize me. It took a minute for her to decipher her daughter’s gushing praise and figure out who I was: a celebrity at her school.

This simple encounter underscored the importance of faithfulness. We underestimate its impact. We don’t have to be brilliantly talented to make a difference. The smallest acts, done with consistency and kindness, can make us a big deal to somebody. There’s only room for a limited number of traditional celebrities, but we can all be one by the above definition.

Don’t feel as if your small contributions make no difference. Think about whose life you can impact.  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and zgl19931111.)

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Connie Williams

Connie Williams is a wife and mother of three, currently residing in West Virginia. She has written for LIVE, The Gem, Purpose, Evangel, The Vison, and other publications. She has authored a book entitled Journeys. She is an avid reader whose quest is to do what Wordsworth eloquently stated: “to fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”