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Walking with God

He walked faithfully with God.  Genesis 6:9 NIV

walking with GodI love walking outdoors.

The sweet smell of fresh air, the wind gently caressing my face, and sights and sounds everywhere make my senses feel alive. When my feet hit the steady pavement, a calm washes over me. I exhale my worries and inhale hope.

When we walk outdoors, the scenery and path constantly change. Sometimes the path is straight, easy, and steady, but at other times it is difficult, hilly, and unexpected.

Walking with God is similar. Noah discovered that. Our walk is often a constant sweet fellowship—a closeness, a feeling that we are completely in tune with our creator. But at other times, the journey is more complicated. Trials and pain leave us feeling that God is distant.

Walking faithfully with God does not mean the journey will always be easy, even, and secure. Or that we will not face temptations, doubts, and fears. Instead, it means that we keep journeying in faith no matter what comes into our path.

We keep moving toward God in obedience, even when our desires and passions bid us to travel down our own path. We keep trusting God and pushing toward Him, even when the path He has chosen for us does not seem to make sense, and we feel we are heading in the wrong direction. We cling to our Lord and tightly hold His hand when the pain is great, and we want to quit and give up walking altogether.

Journeying with God is an enduring hope that the path He chooses for us will always be the best. One day, that path will lead into His glorious presence, and we will know that all the potholes along the way were worth it. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Pexels.)

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Kimberly Wells

Kimberly Wells is married to her soul mate, Jeremy Wells, and is the mother of three young men: Colson (18), Pierson (17), and Hudson (14). She enjoys writing and has authored several articles, devotions, and a blog on prayer https://godtrustlife.com. She enjoys coaching and playing tennis, being outdoors, and getting together with friends. She is also passionate about prayer and the powerful impact it can have on families, communities, and the world.