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The Last Will Be First

So the last will be first, and the first will be last.  Matthew 20:16 NIV

the last will be firstReturning home from morning walks, my younger dog, Lucy, always pushes her way in front of my older dog, Charlie. She wants to be the first inside the house. I suspect Lucy is simply eager to get her leash off and enjoy a sumptuous dog treat, but whatever her rationale, one thing is sure: she always wants to be first. While I jokingly scolded Lucy for her desire to be first, I realized it was a lesson I needed to re-learn. While I may not push ahead to the front of the line like my young pup, I frequently prioritize myself over others. I have yet to learn that the last will be first.

In describing the kingdom of heaven, Jesus explained this last-first principle. Unlike worldly standards—where being first in competitions, the workplace, hobbies, and the community takes precedence—God sets selflessness and servanthood as the standard. Instead of being me-focused, God calls us to be He-focused and kingdom-focused.

As we avail ourselves to God and ask Him for opportunities to serve those around us, the Holy Spirit will help fulfill that request—nudging, guiding, and directing us to those we can serve. Our spiritual senses will increasingly fine-tune to our surroundings, and we will notice opportunities to serve: To let the mother comforting her teary toddler behind us in the grocery line go first. To offer a helping hand to a stressed and overwhelmed coworker. To bring a meal to an elderly neighbor. As we act on those opportunities, we operate as the hands and feet of Christ.

Lucy may never stop pushing to the front of the line to ensure she is first inside the house after our morning walk, but as I scratch her fuzzy head, I thank her for the daily reminder to put others first. In God’s eyes, greatness comes not through achievement or worldly success but through serving and loving our neighbors and putting their needs ahead of our own.

Prioritize others’ needs and look for opportunities to love and serve those around you. As you do, you mirror Jesus. In His kingdom, the last will be first, and the first will be last.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Alexas_Fotos.)

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Emily Marszalek

Emily Marszalek enjoys the simple pleasures in life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Nick and their two Goldendoodles, Charlie and Lucy. She loves jigsaw puzzles, animals, rock music, and all flavors of birthday cake.