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Smells and Sounds

But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.  2 Corinthians 2:14 NIV

smells and soundsMy husband delivered a basket of home-grown tomatoes to the local senior center. The director told him that when she opened the front door that morning, she smelled something burning. The acrid aroma drew her to the kitchen, where a freezer plug had shorted. That faint smell, sensed in the nick of time, assuredly saved the building from a disastrous fire.

God created us with the senses of smell and hearing to help us be more aware of our surroundings.

Memory smells are recollections of scents that evoke particular memories, transporting us back to a forgotten place and time.

I like to recall the smells of bleach in my grandmother’s sparkling-clean bathroom, my mother’s favorite perfume, the halls and walls of my elementary school, and the salty waters and steamy sands of the Gulf of Mexico.

Remembered sounds also trigger happy thoughts: melodious wind chimes playfully swinging in the courtyard, the pitter-patter of tiny feet on hardwood floors, the whirrs of hummingbird wings, and the creaks of the back door of my childhood home slamming shut.

Jesus leads us in a victory procession on earth to entice others to follow Him. Our presence, fragrance, and voice escort those around us into God’s presence. They may think they are with us, but they experience Christ. Just think—we might be the only earthly beings who reflect Jesus to them.

Thank God for smells and sounds, past and present, that He created to alert us to danger and generate snippets of joy in our lives. Boldly march in the eternal procession of Christ to lead others to Him.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and PublicDomainPictures.)

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Macy Johnson

Macy Johnson is a native Floridian living the lake-life in Georgia. She is an instrument of God’s blessings as a writer, church pianist, community accompanist, wife, mother, nana, Bridge player, adoptee, retired auditor, and member of Word Weavers International. Her “God Sightings” are published weekly in the Greensboro Herald-Journal. Find her at www.macymjohnson.com, macymjohnson@gmail.com, and on Facebook as Macy Martin Johnson.