I once worked in the television industry as a camera and lighting person and learned a lot by watching people do their thing.
At the Taste of Minnesota, a reporter from channel 11 was getting ready to go live when suddenly, I heard him scream, “What are they doing?”
When a reporter goes live on location, they introduce a package, which is a pre-recorded video. Because the signal going back to the station was so bad, the station decided to roll the package and not go live to the reporter.
Hearing the reporter scream made me wonder if we sometimes don’t scream, “Lord, what are You doing?” when we go through a hard time. I have wondered about this many times, such as when my dad divorced and left Minnesota. I wondered again after I left Minnesota and moved to Illinois to get a job running a camera, but then left the television industry.
One night, on my way home from my courier job, I screamed, “What are you doing, Lord?” The Lord reminded me that night when a tornado took off the roof of a nearby apartment building. I felt Him telling me that could have been my apartment. Yet the Lord did not leave me or forget me. God promised the same thing to His Old Testament people and still promises it to believers today.
When we know Jesus as our Savior, He will be there for us. Trust Him now if you haven’t already. He knows what He is doing.
Ken Ebright is a former Minnesotan who lives in Belleville, Illinois. He plays a keyboard, sings in a men’s choir, and does street witnessing.