A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Gift from a Stranger

If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith?  Matthew 6:30 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and Gedesby1989“What has God done for you?” the speaker asked. 

I couldn’t think of any miracles, so I jotted down the question without an answer, content to sit and listen—until movement distracted me. A woman I didn’t recognize bent at the end of my row. She whispered something I didn’t hear, an insistent expression as she reached over two of my friends to hand me a small item. I stared as she left—at the item in my hand, my friends, at the space where she had just stood, and at my friends.

“Did you know her?” I asked.

They did not. For the last few nights, my contacts had swum in solution at the bottom of a deodorant container and the plastic bowl from a razor head. I had forgotten to pack a contact case, but this stranger had just handed me a brand-new one.

I think Jesus is saying God cares whether we have the necessities of life. If He cares for us in the little things, how much more in the more significant things?

Thinking about my future is scary, but the exhaustion from relying on myself is far worse. When Jesus says God clothes the grass, it reminds me of God’s power. He will care for me in the little things—like a case for my contacts—and He will care for me in the big things—like where my career will take me.

Life might not always be painless, but we can trust that God will be with us. Give your fears to God. He loves you so much. Remember what God has done for you and praise Him.

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Laurel Burgess

Laurel Burgess savors stories that show light in the darkness. She is a multi-genre writer and social media enthusiast. Find her rambling about the writing life at www.yeetarandomwriter.com.  


  1. Laurel, excellent devotional! I'm so excited for you! Won't be long you can have your own little Devotional Book! (: