A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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God’s Way

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the LORD.  Isaiah 55:8 NRSV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and Alexandra_Koch.One Sunday, as my husband walked the church hallway, he saw Johnnie, one of my seven-year-old choir members. A distraught young teacher’s assistant tugged on Johnnie as he resisted. From the interaction, it was apparent Johnnie had misbehaved in class and had been removed from the group to the hallway.

As my husband passed Johnnie, he looked into his eyes and softly said, “What would Mrs. Shoaf think?”

Johnnie immediately straightened up and marched back into the classroom. The flabbergasted assistant gazed at my husband—her mouth dropping in disbelief.

Later, my husband chuckled as he relayed the incident to me. “I know she wondered what woman had such power over this little fellow.”

Johnnie was a handful—at first. He was an obvious leader, and the children mimicked his antics. I called him aside one day and solicited his help. Johnnie sought attention in the wrong way until given the opportunity to use his talents for good. I explained how important his influence was on the other children and asked him to assist me in teaching the others. From that day forward, Johnnie proved an asset in the choir.

How often do we struggle against God? We want to go our way and do our own thing, just like Johnnie. We seek attention by inappropriate means. We rebel for no apparent reason except selfish desires.

But the Holy Spirit can tug at our hearts and show us our disobedience. God endowed us with spiritual gifts and called us for specific purposes. His way is so much better. When we cease struggling against God, He will use us powerfully and positively. God wants to work in us and mold us into the people He knows we can be.

Let go of any self-centered behaviors and allow God to lead you. 

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Linda Shoaf

Linda R. Shoaf is an educator, writer, speaker, and registered dietitian nutritionist. Her book God’s Diet Plan: Seek Him First was published in the fall of 2019. Linda and her husband live in the Memphis metropolitan area in Horn Lake, MS. Visit her website at www.cindryn.com or blog www.foodfromthegarden.wordpress.com and join her on http://www.linkedin.com/in/lindashoaf.