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Give Thanks to the Lord

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.  Psalm 107:1 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and ymyphoto. One of the first things I taught my son to say was “Thank you.” I can still remember the cute way he said it as a toddler. He looked at us with an enormous smile and bright eyes and exclaimed, “Tank you!”

My son is a teenager now, but I remind him daily to say thank you. I have always thought showing appreciation to people, especially God, was necessary. When we say thank you, we acknowledge we have received a blessing. Thank you is an expression of the gratitude we feel for that blessing. It’s an essential practice in our lives.

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. The Bible mentions this Scripture six times and the phrase “give thanks” fifty-two times. It must be important if give thanks is noted that much.

Everyone appreciates a thank you. It’s an acknowledgment of effort and sacrifice. When we say thank you to God, it shows we recognize how blessed and thankful we are.

We have many reasons to give thanks to God. He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that we could experience salvation. One of the benefits of that salvation is the love and care God has for each of us that endures forever. Just these two facts are reasons to give thanks, not to mention how God blesses us daily by answering our prayers. Those are a few of the million reasons to be thankful.

Today, take a few moments to thank God for all He has done. Remember to show Him how thankful you are through your everyday actions. May we never stop thanking and praising Him for the many blessings He bestows on us.  

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Jacie Conley

Jacie Conley was born and raised in Bristow, a small Oklahoma town in the United States. She has always loved writing and, at a young age, wrote a series of devotionals and gave them to her family for Christmas. Over the years, she has continued encouraging fellow Christians through her Daily Living Hope Facebook page. She prays that people struggling and needing hope find it through her writings.