Between jobs and feeling increasingly discouraged, I spoke negatively about myself: I’m a loser. I have no purpose. I’m worthless without a job. As I frequently spoke self-degrading comments, I began to believe the lies. My self-worth suffered, and I felt more hopeless about the future. I was not professing truths.
When I expressed some of these self-deprecating comments to my mom, she gently reminded me that such statements did not align with what God says about my identity, worth, and future. As the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart opposed God’s Word, they displeased God. Thus, I was sinning. Although difficult to hear, I knew my mom was right.
Mom encouraged me to write down, memorize, and profess Bible verses that addressed each of the falsehoods I had declared. I replaced each false statement with a statement declaring the truth: I am a cherished daughter of the King. God has a good purpose for my life. My value and identity do not come from a job or any worldly successes.
As I continued to profess and think about God’s truths, the lies that had taken root were uprooted. Seeds of truth began to grow, flourish, and produce fruit in my life. Instead of constantly feeling discouraged, directionless, and depressed, I felt comfort, hope, and joy bud within. Although my future remained unclear, I rested assured that as I kept my eyes fixed on God, He would lead me and infuse purpose in my uncertain season of life.
Now, when negative thoughts arise, I offer them to God and ask Him to help me recalibrate my heart and mind to align with what pleases Him.
Emily Marszalek enjoys the simple pleasures in life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Nick and their two Goldendoodles, Charlie and Lucy. She loves jigsaw puzzles, animals, rock music, and all flavors of birthday cake.