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Is Worry Worth a Badge?

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.  John 14:27 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and ddalki3003. We have all encountered people who brag about being a worrier. They pair their worry with a warrior who is skillful in caring. But let’s clear up any misconception before displaying this fretful badge, as if it adds dignity to our character.

Worry enters our lives because of sin. It is a deceitful tool used by the Devil to distract us from God. The Enemy hopes to develop a den of lies in our minds. Weaving a false belief that God won’t meet our needs and we are alone in our war is the Devil’s deception. Worry (what I refer to as anxiety or fear in a persistent state) can only take over our lives if we pay attention to our problems rather than God’s truth. When the Devil succeeds in building a den in our minds, distress will create various types of impairment.

Physical problems such as panic attacks, heart failure, intestinal disorders, eczema, insomnia, or headaches are just a few things that result from anxiety. Some people turn to earthly means such as food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, or the internet to medicate their feelings. But when we try to deaden fear by feeding our flesh, we will roll in a negative snowball.  

Anxiety drives us away from social situations and affects our work and relationships. It drains energy and interferes with concentration and healthy exercise.

Grace is the answer to our fears. And grace is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. He makes our lives complete and fills our empty spaces. He will never leave us. Experiencing this grace is possible when we saturate our thoughts with truth. We find freedom from fear by reading God’s Word. There is no better way to eliminate anxiety. 

Look away from your problems and replace this badge of worry with God’s true peace. Worry is not worth a badge. Fear needs to be stripped of its badge and kept out of sight. Rid this robber from your life by receiving God’s grace.

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Theresa Ellison

Born and raised in the beautiful Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Theresa has always loved outdoor sports. She settled along Minnesota’s northshore with her husband, Steve, and German Shepherd, Remi. While they enjoy their visits with their children, they fill their empty nest by rescuing German Shepherds. Theresa has served as Hospice/Hospital Chaplain, Bereavement Coordinator, Mental Health Therapist, and Alcohol/Drug Counselor. Currently, she is dedicated to writing a biblical perspective on how God’s grace includes freedom from living in fear and grief. When she is not writing, she studies Scripture and Hebrew. You can follow her at www.blessmyblog.com.