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Thankfulness Is a Superpower

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and Alexas_Fotos.I gave my nephews one hundred index cards to write down what they were grateful for each day. At the end of the hundred days, I would give them one hundred dollars.

I often write a thank you list after an emotionally charged event. It's incredible how this can shift my feelings from disappointment to appreciation. Being thankful is a superpower I want to share with others.

Neuroscience reveals that gratitude rewires our brains to be happier and more content. Experiments at UCLA and UC Davis have measured the effects of appreciation using brain magnetic resonance imaging. The conclusions point to gratitude's positive impact on mental and physical health, self-worth, and relationships. Thank-you really is a magic word.

Thankfulness makes us slow down and pay attention to the important. Rather than chasing after the urgent, we gain perspective on what matters most and live accordingly.

God always looks after our best interests and knows that life will be easier if we remain thankful. He tells us this not because He needs us to be grateful but because we do.

Thankfulness is a powerful means of drawing near to God. It is fundamentally about not taking things for granted. We become more aware of God when we notice His many gifts surrounding us.

Being grateful when life gets complicated challenges us. It's easy to dwell on what is difficult instead of what we have. Focusing on the good stops me from being undone by the bad. Gratitude is progressive; it is the seed of contentment and joy.

Thankfulness redirects our attention from what is wrong in our world to what is right. It initiates satisfaction, enabling us to navigate life with faith and hope.

Thankful people are people who remember, so let's exercise our superpower by writing thank-you notes, prayers, and even index cards.

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Jennifer Townsend

Jennifer Townsend is an author, educator, photographer, and community philanthropist. Earning her MBA and accolades in advertising in her earlier career, Jennifer now focuses on sharing her faith. She has led a community Bible study for fourteen years that started in her home and has grown to over two hundred women. Jennifer has created mindfulness and anti-bullying curriculum for local organizations. She has won awards for her photography, been published in several anthologies and websites, and writes a weekly blog. To help more people find divine transformation, she is writing her first book, Disruptive Grace. Follow her weekly blog at www.disruptivegrace.com, Facebook, and Instagram @disruptivegrace.