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Rejoice, Despite It All

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.  Philippians 4:4 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and WikiImages. “Rejoicing in the Lord.” That’s what she says every time anyone asks her how she is doing. Not part of the time. Not occasionally, but every time this sweet elderly lady responds, it’s the same. Rejoicing in the Lord.

When I first met her, I wondered if it was just a sweet response, but as I grew to know her, I found her genuine. It made me somewhat ashamed that I didn’t give this answer when others asked how I was doing. She placed a certain conviction on my heart. She reminded me that God’s eyes are on every single person all the time.

It’s hard to imagine God’s eyes on every person in the middle of hurricane cleanup. It’s never good when a hurricane sweeps through the coastal states leaving devastation and death. But devastation becomes catastrophic when that fury turns its head toward the Appalachian Mountains. Our mountains and our people were ravaged, torn to shreds. Dead animals are strewn across fields, and the stench,  wretched. Valleys that once housed quiet, quaint towns are now barren. The only remains are broken pieces of homes or an overturned vehicle. Thousands are still isolated and unreachable until roads can be reestablished. It is … a war zone.

Paul was such a trouper. The accuser turned persecuted found his strength in rejoicing in the Lord. It didn’t matter whether he was in jail, starving, or on a wrecked ship. Paul’s mind shifted directly to rejoicing in the Lord. His faith, despite his circumstances, promised him resolve, whether here or on the other side. He believed God in every situation, and he did not worry. He rejoiced and waited on God.

When calamity comes, it’s easy to look upward and cry out to God. But looking inward? That’s a different story. It takes looking inward to find the joy we have in the Father. Inward is where we can switch gears from woe-is-me to rejoice-in-the-Lord. Tragedy comes. It never fails. This world is difficult at best, but Paul had it right—shifting from the gloom to rejoicing in the promises of God.

When your world turns upside down, take a breath. Look inward and seek the Master of all creation. Rejoice in Him, for in God, all things are made new.

Give to IMPACT

Many are contacting Christian Devotions Ministries and asking how they can help meet the needs of East Tennessee and Western North Carolina. If your heart is moved, you can donate to Impact Fund. All monies are given to the care of Colonial Heights Christian Church, which works with organizations, churches, and individuals as boots-on-the-ground in Hurricane Helene cleanup. Give by clicking here:  https://square.link/u/3S2D8oMy. All donations are tax deductible.

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Cindy Sproles

Cindy K. Sproles is a best-selling, award-winning author. She is a speaker and a conference teacher who teaches nationwide. Cindy is the cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries, www.christiandevotions.us, and www.inspireafire.com. She serves as a writing mentor with WRAMS (Writing Write Author Mentoring Service) and is the director of the Asheville Christian Writers Conference. Visit Cindy at www.cindysproles.com.


  1. Thank you for sharing such a timely devotion.