A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Take your rest in safety.  Job 11:18 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and PublicDomainPictures. “Oh, Lord, I have an hour before I go to work and five dollars that’s burning a hole in my pocket.”

In that instant, the Holy Spirit recalled a rollerball strawberry perfume with glitter in it.

“Oh, yes, Lord, but why go get the strawberry perfume I saw in a dollar store only two days before?” 

But I went anyway. As I took the strawberry perfume off the rack, I noticed a breakaway lanyard on the shelf below the perfume. Just what I needed. I work in a state school where clients with mental illnesses can be dangerous and sometimes attack staff and nurses. We have a strict rule that all lanyards must be breakaway. If we don’t, we could be strangled by a client using the lanyard.

About three weeks before, my lanyard broke. I ordered one from Amazon, but it was not a breakaway when I received it. I was frustrated that I had spent so much on the wrong kind.

I wore it every day, vowing to order a new one, but I kept forgetting. Finding this new lanyard was a serendipitous moment. Serendipitous means “finding pleasing things one had not been looking for.” The Lord’s care touched my heart. I got the perfume and the lanyard for $2.71.

My devotion before work stated, “Our place of refuge and safety is guaranteed by the presence of Jesus Christ.”  Having a proper lanyard was an issue of safety. Jesus was keeping me safe.

Pray for serendipity in your life as Jesus leads you in His care.

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Brenda Baranowski

Brenda Baranowski is a writer.