We choose how to approach the day. We can anticipate that good things will come or fear the worst.
My old self lived a life of caution, believing I prevented whatever might come at me next. I did not see that this fearful mindset wasn’t protecting me. Instead, it kept me further from my protector. Entertaining fear limited my faith.
Our thoughts set the tone for our hearts, and Scripture tells us everything else flows from there. We can’t afford to underestimate the importance of keeping our hearts and minds better aligned.
God calls us to frame our thoughts around Scripture. No one wants to walk through difficult times, but sometimes we must. God didn’t promise us comfy and cozy, but He does promise to see us through. He promises to provide and protect us and assures us we are never alone. God invites us to trust in Him and not be afraid. He gives us His promises so we can approach each day, sure that He has us. He gives us His promises so that we’ll depend on them, allowing us to leverage our faith. Why would we anticipate bad things when God works for our good? Regarding our thoughts, God’s promises can consume our minds so that we feel the freedom found in living a life of faith over fear.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever! This Scripture serves as a daily mantra, a declaration of what I know in my heart will come. Instead of making it about me, it reminds me to keep myself centered around God. It reminds me to depend on Him and anticipate His goodness, which I can’t earn, and to accept his mercy, which is the opposite of what I deserve. None of us know how, what, or even when. But God does, and He tells us our story comes with the best ending. He will not lead us astray.
God is good, and He calls us to lean in. Find Scripture to hold on to that will help you level up and live a life of faith over fear. Be courageous enough to go all in. It will be the game changer you have longed for.
Diane Ohlson was born and raised in the Midwest and has claimed Kansas City as home for the past thirteen years where she lives with her husband and three children. She graduated from University of Northern Iowa with a BA in Social Work and a minor in psychology. Her passion for helping people has allowed her to serve in the healthcare industry for the past twenty-two years. She believes God is calling her to open up and share her faith through writing to encourage others along on their journey with Jesus.