My seven-year-old niece Evelynn's admiration of me is undeniable. She always watches me and attempts to emulate my every move. Her sweet adoration made me reflect on my fascination and admiration for my heavenly Father. "Do I look at God with the same level of esteem and amazement that Evelynn looks at me?" I questioned. "Do I try to emulate Him with the same unmatched vigor?"
When I reflect upon the God we serve, who existed before time itself, I'm left absent for words. He created the heavens and the earth, is ever-present, faithfully fulfills His promises, and loved sinful humanity so greatly that He sent His own Son to die for us. And how wondrous that the maker of the universe desires a personal relationship with each of us.
Although we can't visibly stare at our creator as Evelynn stares at me, we can fasten our gaze on His Word and the world around us, which freely display His nature. As Evelynn illustrated, often, when we're so full of reverence for someone, we can't help but stare, keeping our eyes fixed on the object of our fascination. I suspect such innocent and wholesome childlike adoration is precisely what God desires from His children.
Through my niece's shining example, I daily remind myself of my need to be more like a child in my relationship with God. Further, I plan to never let a day pass without meditating on God's wondrous nature and pouring out my adulation to Him.
Although we have the honor of serving an extraordinary God who deserves more praise, honor, and acclaim than we could ever provide, we can certainly try. Try something today.
Emily Marszalek enjoys the simple pleasures in life in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Nick and their two Goldendoodles, Charlie and Lucy. She loves jigsaw puzzles, animals, rock music, and all flavors of birthday cake.