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The Fragrance of Christ

For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.  2 Corinthians 2:15 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay and Lolame.Many of us can think of someone who habitually uses a particular perfume. In fact, it has become their signature scent. Every time we smell it, we think of that person.

While some odors attract, others we’d rather forget. I think particularly of a skunk that has been road-killed. Unfortunately, that smell lingers for a long time like the aftereffects of troublemakers.

Every perfume is unique, but none can be as special as the one God instructed for use only by His priests. Exodus 30:22-25 details a blend of myrrh, cinnamon, and other aromatic plants that produce a distinctive fragrance. Anyone who attempted to reproduce the recipe other than designated priests was banished from among the people. 

Mary of Bethany created the opposite effect. After sacrificing expensive perfume to anoint Jesus’ feet, she used her hair to wipe them dry. The Bible says the aroma filled the house, and I imagine it remained in the air for days. The fragrance served as a testimony to Mary’s love for her Lord.  

We should examine the atmosphere that clings to us to ensure it’s pleasant, not disagreeable. I hope we don’t go anywhere without the fragrance of Christ seeping through our conversation and actions.

Today, pray that you will remind everyone you meet of Christ. Bring the fragrance of Christ to others who are already God’s and a reminder to those who are not.

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Deborah Meroff

Deborah Meroff is a writer.