Karisa followed me up the steep, polished, wooden steps to the sanctuary’s choir loft behind the pulpit. She was a gifted flutist and Morgan County Middle School’s band director.
“Please give me an A,” Karisa requested.
I struck an octave with my right hand, the two A ivory keys on both sides of middle C. She blew steadily into her silver flute. Her otherwise clear tone sounded unexpectedly flat, clouded, and slightly below the intended pitch. After a few adjustments, we tuned the musical instrument to the grand piano. She was ready for morning worship.
Karisa had tuned her flute earlier that morning to a piano in the choir room that struggled to hold pitch. The sanctuary piano was located where climate conditions were more carefully monitored.
Rick, a local piano tuner, was once amazed to discover that my studio grand piano sounded perfectly in tune. It had been wrapped, boxed, and stood on its side for two years. Before the moving company transported my piano into storage, I had confirmed that the facility was climate-controlled.
We are God’s instruments: flutes, pianos, voices. He tunes and sanctifies us, makes us holy, and sets us apart so we thrive in his climate-controlled environment. He gets all the credit.
Oswald Chambers wrote, “Sanctification means being made one with Jesus.” God’s power keeps us in perfect tune with Him. The Holy Spirit continually strikes a tuning fork in our hearts to align us with spot-on pitch.
Stay connected to Jesus through sanctification and being tuned to His Spirit.
Macy Johnson is a native Floridian living the lake-life in Georgia. She is an instrument of God’s blessings as a writer, church pianist, community accompanist, wife, mother, nana, Bridge player, adoptee, retired auditor, and member of Word Weavers International. Her “God Sightings” are published weekly in the Greensboro Herald-Journal. Find her at www.macymjohnson.com, macymjohnson@gmail.com, and on Facebook as Macy Martin Johnson.