A popular local restaurant has a cute little red door at the front entrance. A standard-size door is available to all, but the small red one is for children. They delight in entering through a special passage.
But some adults want to enter there too. It is interesting to watch them bend over and try to pass through this door to prove they can. However, this door is not intended for adults.
Many doors are available to us. Doors represent choices for jobs, colleges, spouses, friends, investments, places, hobbies, ministries, and salvation. Many, however, are not meant for us to enter just because we can. God does not intend for us to enter them all.
God opens some doors. We step through them with Him in faith. As we put one foot in front of the other, God makes a way, makes opportunities available, and clears a path for us. We pray for confirmation along the way so that we keep moving in the right direction. The impossible becomes possible because God’s way is best. He makes mountains move and parts the sea.
Yet God closes other doors. I’m glad He does. They are just not meant for me. I don’t want to force my way through a door when something might backfire, create problems, add burdens, and cause me to miss His favor and blessings. I pray for wisdom, guidance, understanding, and decisions that align with His plan. I pray that He will close the doors tightly to anything that might lead me down the wrong path.
Choose to go with God through life. Doing so is the best door to enter. Ask God to help you be alert and sensitive to His Spirit’s leading so you can experience all He has intended for you.
Karen Huffaker is now a breakthrough freelance Christian writer after working many years writing and editing in the corporate/legal world. She has taught children’s Sunday school and single mom’s Bible studies and written poetry. She is from the deep South and loves reading Christian books, devotionals, genealogy adventures, fishing, and all things family. She is also passionate about her grandchildren’s sporting events.