I find that throughout my days, tiny gaps of time exist: waiting for dinner to arrive at a restaurant, in a doctor’s office, in a grocery store checkout line, or at the gas pump. I tend to fill these gaps by scrolling through my media feeds.
It occurred to me that instead of giving in to the gravitational pull of technology, I could use some of these time gaps as micro invitations to commune with God. I could say a quick prayer for a loved one or think about what I read that morning during my devotions.
These gaps can be moments of practicing unceasing prayer, finding something or someone to be thankful for, rejoicing in a beautiful day, or opening (and keeping open) my soul to hearing God’s whisper.
Time gaps provide opportunities to continue my devotion throughout the day. These spaces, however brief, are perfect for relationship-building with my heavenly Father, much like I would fill them with small talk with a friend.
Over time, I wonder if this would become a sacred habit as we become a people of prayer—a habit that we look forward to and even start to crave. We would watch for these gaps throughout our days—periods when we can meet and converse with our Father and tell Him everything.
Look for times to commune with your heavenly Father.
Denise Kohlmeyer is a former journalist and freelance writer, having been published in Christianity Today and Today’s Christian Living magazines. She has also co-authored two books in the Clues for the Clueless series. She lives in the Chicagoland area with her husband, Dave, and their three children: Jocelyn, Jessica, and Daniel. You can follow her on Facebook. She is a regular contributor to Blogos.org.